Monday, February 16, 2009

everything ineffable

I saw you
the other day,
but I was afraid
to announce
your presence.
I was afraid,
because I was
worried that
saying where I saw you would
betray everywhere I don't see you.

Everything makes me collapse,
but thank God that everything also
makes me bloom again.

I will defy you. Whoever the fuck you are.
I will resist you. I will embrace you.
You can't stop me; you can't contain me'
you can't encompass me, because nothing can,
but I embrace you. You are me. Think you aren't?
If I can't dive into your depths as easily
as I can into mine, then all is for naught.
But even the frost on my window has a purpose.
Labyrinthine nonsense coalesces into nothing.
But shows that the seemingly endless black
is really the depth of endless Being.
The love for which
is the nature of true virtue.

Probe what you think is nonsense; probe everything, lest it was time wasted here.

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